Did you ask who is a morning person? I’m raising my hand slowly because I’m not sure if 4AM counts as morning. My ex would probably say that’s still the middle of the night. I don’t know if it’s due to all the caffeine I consume on the daily basis or my sleep apnea, but my eyes just open even before Dracula goes to bed. I’m a full-time-employed city dweller whose office hours start at 8:30. So that’s a full four hours before work starts. And yet I don’t feel I have enough free time in the morning. Here’s a list of common items in my temperamental morning routine.
1) gentle stretches and exercises that I coin as microscopic calisthenics — they look like I’m just sleeping on my yoga mat but I’m getting a solid workout that doesn’t strain my lower back.
2) a shot of apple cider vinegar
3) a 2km stroll or ride on my ‘halfbike’ around my sleepy neighbourhood
4) doing some street photography in early morning light
5) handwash the sweaty t-shirt and socks I wore on my morning walk or ride while listening to a foreign language podcast
6) a refreshing cold shower
7) grind, brew, and sip my favourite blend of organic dark roast coffee with butter instead of milk
8) no breakfast as part of my intermittent fasting
9) one of the following activities:
a) reading a book;
b) writing my disorganized thoughts and ideas for a future blog and podcast about my new career as a PIO in academia;
c) watching YouTubes about photography and/or film-making an d;
d) attempting mindfulness meditation — and always failing
e) mindfully scrubbing my kitchen sink — and succeeding
f) watering my over-watered plants
10) rushing out of my apartment because I did more than one activity for too long from the above list
So, yeah, your article truly resonated with me. Thanks for making me feel less weird. ;-)