Hi Estrella, first let me say in imaginary uppercase how much I appreciate your taking the time to read and writing such thoughtful and thought-provoking feedback! Hardly anyone does, so it's all the more precious to me.
I think if you are a successful full-time creative copywriter, to not say you're a writer is (to me) like saying you perform bypass surgery but don't consider yourself a doctor. ;) Huge respect!
But I do get what you say. There's hierarchy everywhere and there will always be as long as society values power, allows the abuse of it, and wants to project their negativity on to others. Trolling and spewing hatred is thankfully not seen (by me) on Medium, but I've heard it exists though not as obvious as it is on Twitter, which I don't really use. Medium is meant to be a place for sharing and supporting (isn't it? or am I too naive?), especially for those who aren't professional writers. I had someone comment on my title "Accidental Writer". S/he took "accidental" literally, so when I first read the comment, I felt ridiculed. C'mon, calm down, it's just a title. But I took a deep breath and replied with a thank you. I mean, she did leave a comment -- something I'm always encouraging. LoL
But I much prefer ones like yours! So, THANK YOU THANK YOU!! And have an awesome week ahead!