Hi JW, thank you for a pleasant introduction of Zeno, Heraclitus, and the Buddha! More importantly, thank you for inspiring me to consider writing my own take on quitting. (Aside: you won’t mind if I tag you after I write it?)
My life of 50-plus years has gone through countless episodes of quitting, ranging from jobs to lifelong careers, hobby lessons to whole academic programs, exercise routines to entire disciplines, projects to unrealized eureka ideas, and fasting to surgical operations, to name only a handful.
And as you know, each time was for a unique reason (pause), in distinctly different circumstances (another pause), by a kaleidoscope of means and methods (deep inhale), and due to various factors (deeper exhale).
The irony, if it can be called that, manifests in how those moments of quitting become forks in the road of self-discovery, neither one being inherently bad, leading one to unimagined experiences and persistent memories…
Sorry sorry sorry! I was drifting off there. LoL
Best wishes on your writing journey!