I am so sorry they got you, too. I smelled something very fishy from the get-go but played their game until we got to the part about putting my own money in. One even swiped right on me from the Phillipnes on an online matching date I no longer use. And when the agent got a bit adamant, I said, "Oh, I just got arrested by the FBI for copying your scam operation. Hey, you wanna have a chat with them now? They're right here in my house. Agent J is pretty friendly..."
Never heard from them again.
Funny thing is, this kind of scam like the ones you and I experienced, come in different shapes and sizes. Two were about valuating different well-known companies, another was about sports brands. But the images of your screenshots show the exact same kind of system. There must be a dark web site where they sell these apps to scammer wannabes. Pathetic creatures, they are.