I don't disagree, which is another way of saying I agree but...
The problem is not in understanding. The problem is in implementing or applying our understanding. I knooow that it my choice to let people make me feel a certain way. I knooow that I am out of excuses. I knooow that letting people upset me amounts to giving away the very freedoms Frankl spoke about.
How do I actually follow his advice effectively? Forcefully tell myself to stop being a wimp?
I'm all for ideals. I hope nobody gets me wrong. But there seems to be a trend where gurus and guru-wannabes want to tell us to do or not to do something without teaching the desperate among us how.
Humans are programmed to react and respond, especially to threats, whether they are full-on or empty. Internalizing the threats is our folly but it has allowed all of us to survuve