Just for the sake of being different and possibly weird, I’d like to offer my responses to the questions as follows:
1. Do you remember last year’s earthquake when several things broke at home?” —> “Several things broke at home last week, too.”
2. “Are you tired after that exhausting activity?” —> “You mean the thing we just did together in bed? That was just Round 1, wasn’t it?”
(Or maybe just “That was just Round 1”, in case the person asking was another heterosexual male or a family member.)
3. “How old are you?” —> “I watched Star Wars Ep IV (the original) when it just came out and I was too young to know what a hickey was but too old to kiss my mom in public.”
(If I’m feeling lazy, I’ll just say “I can’t count that low.”)
4. “How much do you earn per month?” —> “Earn? You mean I’m supposed to get money for my work?”
5. “Do you have a gf/bf?” —> “I’m not sure. She’s usually there when I turn on my VR set…”
6. “Have you traveled by plane?” —> “Only in my private jets. Yes, plural.”
7. “Have you gone camping?” —> “Camping? Meh. The city is a wild place.”
(If they need elaboration —> “Gotta be careful. Stray cats and dogs will bite you. Water is dirty. People steal your pots and pans while you’re away from your tent. There’s no grass in the parking lot. No fish to catch in the gutters. I prefer to stay at my lakeside home in the forest.”
8. Bonus question: “Where are you from?” —> “Canada.” / “I mean, where really?” —> “Montreal.” / “No, I mean originally.” —> “A hospital…?” / “Er, where are your parents from then?” —> “Hospital also…? Ok, actually not sure about my dad. Mom once mentioned he was abandoned….”
By this time, most give up asking what part of Asia my DNA can be traced back to. Yeah, I know. It’s fine. I’ve gotten used to it. I could’ve made things easier and just answered in one sentence, short and sweet:
“A hospital in Montreal, Canada.”