Oh, boy...yeah...
Unrelated to this specific topic, I have run into shop clerks who just want to show they know better than you instead of trying to do their actual job of selling.
I was just a college kid majoring in science. No, I wasn't a graduate student but I knew the basics of Biology and Genetics 101. I was looking for a new pair of prescription glasses. And we got into a similar dialogue such as yours.
Me: Can I try these on? I just need something light on my nose bridge so I don't get tired after long hours of studying.
Shop clerk: I hear you. Are you nearsighted?
Me: Yes. I guess I should exercise my eyes by looking beyond the page or computer screen from time to time so that my vision doesn't get worse.
Shop clerk: It won't matter. It's entirely genetic.
Me: Uh...yeah, genes do come into play but environmental and behavioral factors also...
Shop clerk: NO. It's all about your DNA!
(awkward silence)
Me: ...o...kay...