This article is greatly appreciated! Although I'm not a perfectionist or struggling with OCD which is an obsession with being or needing things to look perfect (according to my self-diagnosed OCD sister), the pursuit of perfection is something I like to continue in my life. Striving for a better version of myself is a kind of perfection in itself, I'd like to tell myself. It is a growth mindset. Be content with what I do in the present, since that is the best that I can do at that moment. (I mean, why would I intentionally do something inferior, right? If I know I should cross my t's and add a period at the end of a sentence, why would I omit them on purpose. So if anyone criticizes me for my lack of writing skills, to that I say, thank you very much for your attention but I'm not there yet. I need more time to practice. But first, I need my cappuccino and cinnamon roll. Peace!