YES! And I’m male. Men started this insanity. Media fueled it. And misogynists in political circles perverted it. Such males should walk around the city naked from the waist down while holding a sign saying “Look! It’s a wiener. Look at how big my wiener is. Look at it! Loooook at iiiiit!!” And another should wear one saying “a wiener is a wiener, no matter how you look at it, cook it, dice it or slice it, it’s still a wiener.” Uh, no, especially the part from “cook it” onwards.
As a male, I’m not one to care at all about boob size — seriously. It’s what’s underneath them under the skin that matters. Not just a blood-pumping organ but that entity of your soul that is capable of looking past sexist nonsense and embrace individual beauty with its unique contours and whatever else pleases the beholder.
A-B-C-cup, it’s sexy as X-Y-Z-cup… (sung to that nostalgic tune by the Jackson Five)